Finding you the right team member

Finding the right commercial skillset to drive your business forward can be a challenging endeavour. That’s why we offer a unique solution that addresses this concern head-on. Through our embedded talent solution, we work closely with you to identify and secure the perfect team member for your specific needs. Whether you require a dynamic sales director to lead your business development efforts or a talented marketing specialist to deliver your marketing strategy, our team is dedicated to delivering tailored solutions.

Flexible, fast and efficient.

Qualified candidates ~ job offer



First, we help you define your ideal candidate, then we'll develop an ecosystem of candidates and market knowledge so you can grow proactively, and quickly respond if your own employees depart. Then, codifying why people join (and leave), an "attraction strategy" is executed, lowering employee acquisition costs and growing the queue of star candidates hoping to join your team.



Leveraging our recruitment subscription services, including Linkedln Recruiter, we'll execute the acquisition strategy to find the type of candidates who'd fill your dream team.


Interview, prep and key questions

Your candidates should feel wanted, and want to be part of your mission. Qualification, interview structure, pre-interview prep, post interview feedback and references are all established for you.


Job offer

Everything leads to this, and it's the hardest part to master. You've invested time and resources to find this candidate. Your Facets team member knows how to handle the approach, the offer, negotiations, and persuading someone to make one of the biggest changes of their life.

Our Expert Team


Placing the very best talent inside businesses like these

Read our recruitment insights
60% fee reduction and placed in two months. I'm unsure why I would ever use an external recruitment consultant again!

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